Land for sale in Heston TW5

Land for sale in Heston TW5

What’s the opportunity: A 2 year option to buy a plot for a number of dwellings Subject to Planning and all necessary consents

How much does it cost: Under offer


Next steps: If you’re interested in this opportunity then let us know, register your interest below and we will make the introduction.

Terms & conditions:
We are introducing you to the opportunity with the following agreement.
Our company is not retained by the vendor so if you request further details you agree to the following conditions: First, you will treat this opportunity as confidential. Second, if you do share this opportunity, anyone you share the opportunity with will also be bound by these conditions.
Third, in return for being introduced to the opportunity, you will pay a finder’s fee as set out below.
Should you, your company or any associated company or person exchange an option or contract to purchase the property, site or project, assign or trade any option or contract on the land or property or enter into any joint venture with the vendor then you agree to pay a fee to us of £10,000 (plus VAT if applicable) for the introduction to the opportunity and the land-owner(s).
Any negotiations need to be conducted through Zog Enterprises unless otherwise agreed in writing. This introduction will continue to run indefinitely for this opportunity once we have introduced you to it.